php - How to deploy laravel Application so that url doesn't contain '/public/index' -

I have a larval application in which a public file contains an index file that I can get by using the following url :

myIpAddress / teamsync / public / index

But I want to use the url like this:

MyIpAddress / teamsync to access my index file.

Perhaps the best way to remove / public / is. . Setting up your virtual host configuration file to set the / public directory as the root document. It kills a stone with a bird, so you can set as the root of Laravel, but you can take sensitive back-end files away from the www root folder Are there.

  & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; Servername MySaer Document Corrections / var / www / yourproject / public server alias & lt; / VirtualHost & gt;   

How to use virtual hosts:

  • With Apache:
  • with NGX:


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