coordinate systems - Difference between layerX and offsetX in JavaScript -
There is a separate coordinate system for javascript, like e.clientX, e.screenX.
I understand them both well, but some E. Layer X and E. Offset X are not very clear to me
Can someone explain both of those coordinates for me?
They are supported by chrome and opera, but they are being disliked and being removed soon. So forget about them. offset x /
offset y Microsoft's Mouse Event Objects is a clean extension, and this means the position of the mouse pointer to the target element. Sadly, they are not implemented by Firefox, and there is an inequality among other browsers that what the original point should be: IE thinks this is the content box, while Chrome, Opera and Safari Padding
layerX /
layerY are the properties of code> Mouse Event objects which are Gecko-based browsers (Firefox et al. .) Are defined by Some people say that they are the choice for
offsetX /
offset y - they are not. They are relatively mouse positions for "the closest element", that is, an element whose
position style property is not static is not a target element if it is in a stable state.
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