highcharts - drilldown on column range -

I'm thinking that someone has attempted to add drilldown to the column range chart. This is an example of what I am trying to do:

  $ (function () {$ ('# container'). HighChurch ({chart: {type: 'columnrange', Inverted:}, Title: {Text: 'History'}, Subtitles: {Text: ''}, XXIS: {Categories: ['Example 1', 'Example 2', 'Example 3'],}, yAxis: { Type: 'Date Time', Minimum: New Date ('2007,0101') Match-time (maximum): New Date ('2014, 05,01') Match-time (title), Title: {Text : 'Year'}}, Tooltip: True, Plot Options: {columnrange: {dataLabels: {Enabled: Wrong, Formatter : Function} {return.y;}}}}, legend: {enable: false}, series: [{name: 'year', data: [[date.UTC (2007, 2, 2), date.utc ( 200 9, 5, 10)], [date.utc (2009, 6, 10), dated UTC (2011, 9), 10)], [date.utc (2011, 9, 25), dated UTC (2014, 5, 1)]]}]});});   

Anyone welcome you.

Thank you

This really works, especially the main series and drilldowns Be especially careful about the formatting of the series:
  $ ('# container'): (type: 'date'}, legend: {enable: false}, series : [Type: 'columnarrange', inverted: true}, xxis: {type: 'category'}, yAxis: {type: 'datetime'}, {name: 'yearly', color scheme: correct, data: [{Name: 'Annual 1', Low: Date UTC (2009, 5, 10), drilldown: (2011, 9, 10), drilldown: 'monthly 2'}, {name: 'annual 3'}, {Name: 'Annual 2', less date: ATTC (2009, 6, 10), Low: Date: .0 (2011, 9, 25), High: Date.TTC (2014, 5, 1), Drilldown: Monthly 3 '}]}], Drilldown: {Series: [ID:' Monthly 1 'data: [{Name:' Example 1 ', Low: Date.utc (200 9, 6, 10), High: Date. UTC (200 9, 6, 11)}, {Name: 'Example 2', less: Date.utc (2009, 6, 10), High: Date.utc (2009, 6, 15)}}}, {ID : 'Mass 2 ', Data: [Name:' Example 1 ', Low: Date.utc (2010, 5, 10), High: Date.Utc (2010, 6, 11)}, {Name:' Example 2 ', Low Date: UTC (2010, 8, 10), High: Date. ATC (2010, 8, 15)}}}, {ID: 'Monthly 3', data: [Name: 'Example 1', Low: Date. UTC (2012, 9, 10), High: Date.Utc (2012, 9, 11)}, {Name: 'Example 2', Less: Date. ATC (2012, 11, 10), High: Date. UTC (2012), 11, 15)}]}}}});   

Name Proverley) but I have not included this in Bella.


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