php - Symfony2 - Using yml for FOSOAuthServerBundle -

I am trying to create a web service using symfony2 in the FOSOAuthServer bundle.

I am using yml configuration; So I create an entity for AcccessToken like this:


  My ApiBundle \ Entity \ AccessToken: Type: Entity Table: Access_token id: id: Type: Integer Generator: Strategy: Auto: Many: One: Customer: Target Entry: Client Inverse: Includes Access_tokens: Column: Name: client_id referenced columnname: id tap value: false user: target intersection: user is reversed: access_tokens joinColumn: name: user_id referenced Columnname: id   


   Return Customers; } / ** * Set user * * @ Ultimate \ MyEpi bundle \ unit \ user $ user @Arton AccessToken * / Public Function Set User (\ My \ ApiBundle \ Entity \ User $ user = null) {$ this - & gt; User = $ user; $ This return; } / ** * Get the user * * @ Return * MyEipibundle \ unit \ user * / public function getUser () {Return $ this- & gt; the user; }}   

Now when I run the commands of institutions again, it throws an error.

Fatal error: My \ ApiBundle \ Entity \ AccessToken declaration:: setUser () to FOS \ OAuthServerBundle \ Model \ TokenInterface :: setUser (Symfony \ Component \ Security \ Core \ User \ UserInterface $ User) should be compatible with D: \ xampp \ htdocs \ oauth \ src \ My \ ApiBundle \ Entity \ AccessToken.php on line 12

What am I doing wrong? I'm following the following from Docs.

You can not set user defined method definition (defined in the interface). This must be exactly like token interface.


  Public function set user (\ My \ ApiBundle \ Entity \ user $ user = null)   


  The public function set user (\ Symfony \ Component \ Security \ Core \ User \ User Interface $ user = null)    


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