javascript - How can I make AngularJS filter on a nested property -
I have some data where one of its walks looks like this:
{" "": "2014-04-22T08: 14: 10.285 Jade", "Dave": "Hedge hedge", "Gradeform": "4", "Gradeau": "7", "Owner": "martin @ forsstedt. false "," SVA ": false" "," school type ": {" name ":" grandscoal "}," subject "," false "," false " TN ": false}," title ":" test test "} What am I trying to do, when a user clicks on a button, which is $ scope with "re" .searchtext is true, with "iterations" only "subject": {"Re": true) should be displayed in. I Filtering is using the search string that works fine, but it does not filter through the first layer of properties such as "createDate", "desc" etc. through the "subject".
& lt; tr ng- repeat = "lesson in lesson | Orderbyprofession. Filters: Searchfree | Order: 'createDate': true ">
only $ scope.searchText .subject.RE = true , the filter is left.
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