android - Cannot generate HashKey for facebook app -
Hi I am working for hours on this release. I especially need the main margins to create an Android-Facebook app. I can not find any jdk folder though i have ADT (by the way is ok?) The way I download to jdk1.7 it is the JDK path
C: \ program files \ Java \ Jdk1.7.0_60 \ bin Then I downloaded the openssl from Google code and named it as OpenSSL and inside that folder "C: \"
and this is my order
c: \ program files \ java \ jdk1.7.0_60 \ bin & gt; Keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C: User \ age \ .android \ debug.keystore" | "C: \ OpenSSL" sha1 -binary | "C: OpenSSL" Base64 but it is not working ....... "I think there is something wrong with C: OpenSSL" base 64 because OpenSSL folder There is no Base 64 content in
Try this code to create a hash code, which you can log in Can see in
try {PackageInfo info = getPackageManager (). getPackageInfo ("Your Package Name", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES); (Signature sign: info.signatures) {MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance ("SHA"); Md.update (signature.toByteArray ()); Log.i ("KeyHash:", "KeyHash:" + Base64.encodeToString (md.digest (), base64.default));}} hold (NameNotFoundException e) {Log.i ("KeyHash !!!!!! !: ", E.getMessage ());} Hold (Knowledge Algorithm Execution E) {Log.i (" KeyHash $$$$ $$$: ", e.getMessage ());} OR
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "D: \ Projects \ XYZ \ keystore" | C: \ Program Files \ GnuWin32 \ bin \ You need to install OpenSSL (). ashl "sha1 -binary |" c: \ program files \ gnuWin32 \ bin \ openssl "base64
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