android - How to add edit in child view of every headerview in expandable list view -

Can anyone tell me that a edit button How to add headerview to expandable list view and when I click on that button's button button, will all hair values ​​related to that header be taken to the next activity?

Thank you.

Expandable list adapter list adapters; ExpandableListView expListView; & Lt; String & gt; ListDataHeader; Hashmap & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; ListDataChild; Protected void onPostExecute (string result) {if (Detaare == NULL; dataarray.length () == 0) {AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder (ExperienceDetail.this) .create (); AlertDialog.setTitle ("Experience Expansion"); String Message = "Do not Recover the Experience Details"; AlertDialog.setMessage (message); AlertDialog.setButton ("OK", New DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {click on Public Zero (DialogInterface dialog, int which) {}}); (); } Other {try {listDataHeader = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); ListDataChild = New Hashmap & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (); TextView Edit = (TextView) Convertview FindViewIID (RIDCensellbutton); * / List & lt; String & gt; Hname = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; dataarray.length (); i ++) {JSONObject dataobb = new JSONObject (); Dataobage = Detoray.JetsonsAbject (i); If (dataobject.getString ("employer_name")! = Null) {listDataHeader.add (dataobject.getString ("employer_name")); // hname.add to add hair data ("employer's name" + "" + ":" + "" + dataobject.getString ("employer_name")); Hname.add ("Designation" + "" + ":" + "" + DataObact.TetString ("Designation")); If (dataobject.getString ("from_date") = null) {hname.add ("" "+" ":" + "" + dataobject.getString ("from_date")); } And hname.add ("from date" + "" + ":" + "" + ""); If (dataobject.getString ( "to_date")! = Null) hname.add ( "a" + "to" "+": "+" "+ dataobject.getString (" to_date ")); other hname.add ( "Date" + "" + ":" + "" + ""); Hname.add ("Work location" + "" + ":" + "" + DataObact.GreatString ("job_space")); hname.add ( "edit"); ListDataChild.put (listDataHeader.get (i) .toString (), hname); // header, Hair date list adapter = new expandable list adapter (experience del. // settings list adapter ExpListView. setAdapter (listAdapter);} catch (exception e) {e.printStackTrace ();}

  @override public int meeting Aildrenkount (Int Group Pop) {String title = listDataHeader.get (groupPosition); Normal_Child_Count = listDataChild.gett (title). Size () General. Return + 1;} @ Override public view GetChildView (ET Gruppojishn final Int Child positions, Boolean sLastChild, Kantiwuwug, View Group parent) {if (childposition == normal_Child_Count) {convertView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.EDIT_LAYOUT, null); // Separate (Childposition == normal_Child_Count) {button b = Convertview. Layout for ViewBiID (RID.button_id) layout (option option divert); ; B.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override Click on Public Zero (see V) {// Copy Bundle Release Data for the purpose of // bundle}}); } Else {// View the specified general child item data} see return convert; }  


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