How can I restrict YouTube videos that can't be played in the US, on iOS? -

How can I ban YouTube videos that can not be played in the US? (NSString *) query offset: (int) offset withBlock: (Zero (^) (NSMutableArray * mediaArray, NSError * error)) Block {NSError * searchError =

  - (zero) loadMediaListWithQuery: [NSError errorWithDomain: @ "No Video Detected!" Code: 120 User Information: NULL]; Query = [query excelstustration: @ ""] == is true? DefaultSearchQuery: Query; NSString * searh_url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ q =% @ and orderby = relevance & start index =% d & amp; max-results = 20 & amp; v = 2 and time = all_time & amp; ; Alt = json? ", YoutubeSearhURL, query, offset]; NSURLRequest * urlReques = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [UtilsSpaceString: searh_url Convert]]]; AFHTTPRequestOperation * Operation = [[FTPTRAAST Operation Eloc] InitvatRuest: URLReques]; [OperationSatemAllablockWithSoftware: ^ (FHTPPKAEASTA Operation * Operation, ID ResponseAbject) {NSER * Error = Zero; NSMutableArray * mediaArray = [NSMutableArray array]; NSDictionary * jsonDic = [NSJSN Serialization JSONObjectWithData: responseObject option: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers Error: & amp; Error]; NSMutableArray * tempDic = [[[jsonDic valueForKey: @ "feed"] objectForKey: @ "Entry"]; (Int i = 0; i & lt; tempDic.count; i ++) {{@autoreleasepool MediaEntity * post = [[MediaEntity alloc] initDataWithDic: [tempDic objectAtIndex: i]]; [Media add object: post]; }} If (block) {tempDic.count> 0? Block (media array, null): block (tap, search error); }} Failure: ^ (FHTPPRQuest Operation * Operation, NSERR * Error) {if (Block) {Block (zero, error); }}]; [Start operation]; }    

LBYouTubeView has been closed. I will not fix any issues now Although this approach fixes some issues, it does not work reasonably enough. See XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController. It is similar to this project, but seems to work better as a way to remove video urls.

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