web services - How to make optaplanner a REST webservice -
I have just started a way of routing the vehicle using optical links. However, I would like to expose the optoplaner as a web service (preferably comfort).
I have read many blogs now that it can be done with Apache camel, although it seems impossible to find a decent example.
Are there any known examples that I can see or how can I create it?
There are several ways to display this as a rest service:
- < li>: Comment with JAXB annotation (send XML file over HTTP) then write a Java class with JAX-RS annotation (to define the available methods of rest) is a good reference manual, it is a good reference manual Focusing on REST and allowing you to fix the rest of the interface , As your customer likes it. Posted on servlet container (WildFly, Jetty, ...)
- Camel: See camel documentation (or book) about camels especially about camels and about camel deployment. Note that camel optometric module is relative young, but its unit tests and works.
- Other rest of the technologies in the Java ecosystem
However, the opt-generator does not care how you can highlight it as a RAST service Does not interrupt either):
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