elasticsearch - PercolateException[failed to percolate]; nested - Percolate API on nested document -
I am using elasticsearch 1.1.
Usually in this version, dripping should work on nested documents.
However, I'm trying to do this, but I get the following error:
failures: [{index test shard: 4 Reasons: BroadcastShardOperationFailedException [ [Test] [4]]; Nested: Perkel Expression [failed to recover]; Nested: elastic shirt allegal ergument upption [not wing]; }]
I means of the percolator (sorry elasticsearch head removed all my quotes):
{_index: test _type: .percolator _ id: 27 _version: 1 _score: 1 _source: {query: {filtered: {query} {match_all: {}} filter: {nested: {filter: {period: {city: London}} path: place}}}}} }
And I am getting the error when trying to rotate this document:
{...} "location": {"date" : "2014-05 -05 T 15: 07: 58", "Named place": {"City": "London"}}}
Why no idea why not work Does it?
I found more accuracy in error in the elasticsearch log:
[2014-05 -06 13: 33: 48,972] [debug] [Actionkpercolate] [Tomazooma] [test] [2], node [H42BBxajRs2w2NmllMnp7g], [P], S [start]: failed to execute [org.elasticsearch.action .percolate PercolateReque st @ 7399452e] org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolateException: org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.TransportPercolateAction.shardOperation (at TransportPercolateAction.java198) at org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.TransportPercolateAction.shardOperation (trafficprocalletAction.Java: 55) java on .util on org.elasticsearch.action.support.broadcast.TransportBroadcastOperationAction $ AsyncBroadcastAction $ 2.run (TransportBroadcastOperationAction.java:226) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (on ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145). Concurrent.ThreadPool Excloster $ Worker.run (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) at java.lang. Thread.Ran (Thread.Java: 744) Reason: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException: org.elasticsearch.percolator.Percolatorervice.parcolate (PercolatorService.java187) on org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.TransportPercolateAction for nothing to tilt on. .shardOperation (TransportPercolateAction.java:194) ... 5 more
Documentation of ES Actually it is not clear about it but when you see it, you will see that when you tilak, you have to enclose your indexed document with a doctor. {} It is indeed mandatory otherwise you will see the exception
Try doing this:
{"doc": {... "location": {"Date": "2014-05-05T15: 07: 58 "," named design Location ": {" City ":" London "}}}}
I hope this will help; -)
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