ios - load chain payment url to web view -
In my application, I want to use the chain payment because PayPal does not support the SDK chain payment. At the back end, they are giving me a URL, which I have to load in the web view. This URL series is of payment, the user will enter PayPal from that URL and will make the transaction. But after the transaction is completed I have to close that web view. How is that transaction detected in the web view complete?
You need to set the controller as a UIWebViewDelegate and apply this method: Of course, The view is the property on your view controller which indicates UIWebView.
- (zero) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView {NSString * url = self.webView.request.URL.absoluteString; If you ([url isEqualToString: @ "URL of your confirmation page"]) {// dismiss view controller or go to a pretty confirmation view}}
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