open a page html in a web service in java in SSO -

I would like to open an html page in a web service, I am responsible for doing this but I have all the rights ... is not !!

So I try to login and login to the URL and it does not work! Public String String Ginger HTML (String Dockid, String Chemenebase, String Nameview, String Name Servers, LogWSDTO Logiteo) ExceptionWS {String Str 2 = Faucet; {Stringbuffer sb; InputStream Stream In = Null; InputStreamReader str; Buffrenderer binoin; URL docURL; String URL_FIN = "? Open document"; String Notes url = "http: //" + "nomserveur / names.nsf? Login and Username = Login and Password = Password and Redirect = http: // nomServeur" + SEPARATEUR + cheminbase + SEPARATEUR + nomVue + SEPARATEUR + Docid + URL_FIN; DocURL = new URL (note URL); streamIn = docURL.openstream (); str = new InputStreamReader (stream in); BinIn = new BufferedReader (str); String line next; sb = new stringbuffer (); While ((lineNext = binIn.readLine ()) = = null {sb.append (lineNext);} str2 = new string (sb.toString (). GetBytes (), "UTF-8"); streamIn.close () ; str.close (); binIn.close (); Sb = null;} hold

I can not open the line docurl.openstream ()? Anyone have an idea? <

I have

  "html code for server URL returned 401"   

I have access to SSO and Kerbero


Thank you!

P> See more: "text">

I found that I Makes new use of a cookie I


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