selenium webdriver - TestNg Assertions failure skip the test - data driven Iterator -
I am running a search with an iterator and using testNG Assert.assertFail
I am pushing. I have to ensure that if the surrender fails, the code handles the code using the try {} hold {}
mechanism to break the test but I think the code in case of a claim failure Breaks out, I am looking for a way by which the web driver should search with the next record in the Iterator list in case of failure. Please help ....
while (Country Listener. HasNext ()) {Thread.sleep (2500); Country ListenerWeekly = Country Listener Xx (); SearchPop = Homotoschurch from SearchResultPO Search (country listeneraltwater); // Here is a pledge, if the test-ng fails to break the class without going to the next record, according to the design, it will fail / break. You must reassign the assertion by following the link ()
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