Linking an External CSS Stylesheet in R Shiny -

I am making my first shiny application and I am having trouble adding an external CSS file. I have seen some references where people have explained it and have also shown example code, but I have no luck. Most of the examples I have seen that the bootstrap page is used while doing this, such as:

  shinyUI (bootstrap page (tag $ title (tag $ title ('example link stylesheet') , Tag $ link reel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text / css', href = 'assets / ace-shiny.css'),))   

I use fluid I am doing it, and no, I know that this is my problem. My effort is down.I have confirmed that my work is not Eshika where I think that CSS file, and it is "Assets" folder. I know tags $ head bit is working, because if I cancel the Tag $ style tag, then it is applicable. ShinyUI (fluidpage (tag $ head (tag $ link (rel = "stylesheet", type = "text / css", href = "assets / styles.css") # tag $ style In this step my CSS is simple (below), so I know (type = 'text / css',' body {background-color: black;} "))))

That this is not a problem.

  body {background-color: red;}   

Am I clarifying something? Thanks for reading. Mike

class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

You should give your .css file to www < Code>


As the governed in the comments, you need to reference your href only to the files , And the Www path is in it, use href = 'mycss.css' and href = 'www / mycss.css'


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