centos - Linux vnc port closed -

I have a VPS server on Santos and I have installed a vnc server through this tutorial:


The server is running well but I can not connect it, I have scanned by nmap and I can not find port 5901 . I tried disabling iptables but I could not find anything!

I have already added this line to the IP tables and save / resume it but it does not work!

iptables -I INPUT 5 -m State --State New -M TCP-P TCP-M Multiport --ports 5901: 5903,6001: 6003-J ACCEPT

Try this iptables rules 1) Connection rules are not secure 2) Secure and only your given IP Connect to address * Instead of "" with IP range

1) rule set

  iptables -i INPUT -p tcp - dport 5901 -J ACCEPT iptables -i INPUT -p TCP - port 6001-J ACCEPT   

2) rule set

  iptables -i INPUT -p Tcp - dport 5901 -j Rejects iptables -i INPUT -p tcp - dport 6001 -j reject iptables -i INPUT - P TCP - Depot 5901 - 1982.18.10.0/24 - ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --Port 6001-S192.168.10.0/24 - ACCEPT    


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