css - Last child border not showing -
I select the selectors The problem I am facing is that the border of the right hand of the previous list is not being displayed. I define the boundaries in this way: To prevent a double border by connecting the right hand limit to 0, then in the But this is leaving me without the right hand limit on the last child and I am sure why, as you can see below: first-child and
last-child I am going to apply the rounded corners to an unordered list
Border: 1px solid hotpank; Border-right: 0;
last-child I
border-right Width of one
Ul, li {margin: 0; Padding: 0; }. Menu {width: 90%; Margin: 0 auto; Height: 30px; List style: none; }. Menu Lee {box-size: border-box; Display: Inline-block; Border: 1 px solid hotpunk; Border-right: 0; Padding: 0 0.5 AM; }. Menu Lee: First child {border-top-left-radius: 5px; }. Menu Lee: The last child (border-top-right-radius: 5 pixels; border-right: 1px;}
instead of using the border-right: 0; to you
border-right-width: 0; And use the
: last-baby selector, you have to use it
. Menu menu: last child (border-top right-radius: 5px; border The problem is that when you
border-right: 0; code> Use, size, type and color too, so if you use
border-right-width: 1px; , then this will not work, so you'll see the
border-right -Width should be used: 0;
.menu li also.
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