wpf - c# double screen app, how to change frame of the mainwindow from second window? -
I have an app that works in two screens, the second screen is a setting panel, from the settings panel to me in the main window Frame content must be refreshed. I am using this code:
main window winprost = new menu-window (); Var PrimaryScreen = System. Windowsforms Screen. All scans. Where (s = & gt; s primary). FirstOver Default (); If (primaryscreen! = Null) {winFirst._mainFrame.Source = New Uri ("DynamicSource.xaml", UriKind.Relative); winFirst.Show (); } With this code I need to press a button in the second window which can load in the main window. But every time I launch it, this code loads a new main window class ... I think this is not the best way, maybe I will have to face some memory related problem. So if this is a problematic approach how can I use the frame of the current main window and change it without any change?
Application curApp = application.Current; Window main window = break Manwindo; I have also tried this code but in this way I can not get in main_frame element
The main window can always be used by the application.Current, but return it as a window has come. However, when you know what this should be, you will insert it:
var mainWin = Application.Current.MainWindow MainWindow; Debug Asset (Main Wine! = Null); // work with sanit check / main wine
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