python - Update DNS record in route53 using boto -
I try the following error when trying to update a DNS record in R3 using BRO:
tracebacks (most recent call final): file "", line 106, The following tasks have been used to update the DNS entry:
def UpdateDns (zone_id = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name (& lt; domain_name & gt;) for print zone_id change = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets () RONSRORSORDERED connection = r53, hosted_zone_id = zone_id) change.add_change_record ("UPSERT", boto. route53.record.Record (name = & lt; name & gt; type = "CNAME", resource_record = load_blaner_dns, ttl = 300)) change.commit () print "changed record" returns no return Did not have (Lod_blalensi_ DNS) participate in any such issues from the first update? I'm having a similar problem for this, so in the form of "debug" exercise, I have < / p>
print zone_id I noticed that the object was a dict / JSON response, so I
zone_id = self.r53 changed their code to .get_hosted_zone_by_name (self.domain). get ("GetHostedZoneResponse") .get ("hosted zone"). Receive ("id") And it seemed to work for me - I'm getting 403 now, but at least it should be easy to fix.
Disclaimer - New in Python, it is not certain that this is really the right way!
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