r - Unprecise p-values in Stargazer -
I want the same sitar for importance in regression output in stargazer as "normal output".
I produce data
Library ("Sturgers"); Library ("lmtest"); Library ("sandwich") set.seed (1234) df & lt; - data.frame (y = 1001: 1100) df $ x & lt; - c (1: 70, -100: -71) + rnorm (100, 0, 74.8) model and lieutenant; - LM (log (y) ~ x, data = df) Get some model estimates where the coefficient at x is P-value of 0.1023 Coeftest (model, vcov = vcovHC (model, type = "HC3")) Based on the same function I want to make these results in latex, I have standard projections corresponding to heterosacicistic stability I calculate and use Sturgers to do them.
stderr_HC3_model & lt; - Stringer is a star on the coefficient of output, which means alpha - (sqrt) = 10%. I want sturgers to be treated as co-feet. (Due to comparisons with Stata, where LD LE X, VCA (HC3) gives absolutely accurate results.) I have a stargazer option around p.auto, t.auto which did not help Was played with. When I perform "Stargazer" I can not see the underlying code because it is possible in other cases.
Richards's response helped me, I indicate the steps of which I call more than one regression (let's Olsse and Oll-B).
ses & lt; - list (coeftest (ols_a, vcov = vcovHC (ols_a, type = "HC3")), [2], coffee (olsb, vcov = vcovHC (ols_b, type = "hc3")) [, 2]) yellow And LT; - List (coffeestest (OLASLA, VCOV = VCOVHC (OLSLA), type = "), [4], coeftest (ols_b, vcov = vcovHC (ols_b, type =" HC3 ")), [4] stargazer (ols_a, Ols_b, type = "text", p = pvals, se = ses) << Code>
Your coeftest from the man page. A list of numerical vectors that will change the default P-value for each model is matched to the name of the element.
test & lt; - coeftest (model, vcov = vcov hc (model, etc.) type = "hc3") ses & Lt; - Test [, 2] Private & Lt; - Test [, 4] Sturgers (Model, Type = "Text", P = Poles, = SES from) Provides.
==================================== =========== Dependent variables: ------------------------- Log (Y) ------- ---------------------------------------- X-0.00005 consecutive 6.956 *** (0.003 ) ----------------------------------------------- Inspection 100 R2 0.026 adjusted R2 0.016 residual class error 0.027 (DF = 98) F statistical 2.620 (DF = 1; 98) ============================================== NOTE : * P & lt; 0.1; ** P & LT; 0.05; *** p & lt; 0.01
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