extjs - Sencha touch Error: Uncaught Error The following classes are not declared even if their files have been loaded: 'Ext.data.model' -

"Unwanted error: The following classes have not been announced even though their file has been loaded: 'Ext.data.model For possible typos, check the source code of their respective files: 'touch / src / data / model.js'

I am getting this error, I do not know why is arising My code is here because I have changed every stone but there is no answer yet. It seems that every TMIM I have I write six hours, it is found out that what is wrong with touching the touch


  //  Ext.Loader .setPath ({'Ext': 'touch / src', 'TutsPlus': 'app'}) //  Ext.application ({//http://docs.sencha.com) /touch/2-1/#!/api/Ext.app.Application Name: 'TP', view: ['main'], model: ['head'], store: ['stasc'], launch: function () {// #apploading element element Ext .fly ('app loading indicator'). Delete (); // Open main view Ext.Viewport.add (Ext.create ('TP.view.Main ')))}}});  

store at stask.js

  Ext.define ('TP.store.stask', {extension: 'ext.data.store', config : {// Define what model we are going to use for our store model: 'TP.model.mtask', data: [[label: 'change'], {label: 'take trash'} , {Label: 'clear room'}, {label: 'wake up early'}]}});  

In the model mtask.js

  Ext.define ('TP.model.mtask', {extension: 'Ext.data.Model', config : {Fields: [{name: 'label', type: 'string'}, {nae: 'done', type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false}]}}});  

In the View folder, main

  Ext.define ('TP.view.Main', {extension: 'extension', xtype: 'main ', Is required: [' Ext.TitleBar ',' Ext.dataview.List '], config: {layout:' vbox ', item: [{docked:' top ', xtpe:' titlebar ', title: note Ticker ', item: [[iconCls:' Add ', icon mask: true, align:' right ', id:' add-button '}]}, {xtype:' list ', store:' stask '}] }});  

For some reason, your model class is not declaring syntax errors and cases Try changing the cause along with try:

Neither: 'done' to name: 'done'



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