django - Twissandra Deploying Error -

While deploying twasandra with the steps outlined in the link:

There is an error running me: pip install -U -r requirements.txt

What to do?

 Error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat ----- ------------------------------ ----- Clean up ... Removing temporary DIR c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_faria ... command C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ scripts \ python.exe - C "import setuptools, tokenize; __ file __ = 'c: \\ users \\ faria \\ appdata \ \ local \\ temp \\ pip_build_faria \\ blist \\'; exec (compile (getattr (tokenize , 'Open', open) (__ file __). Replace ('\ r \ n', '\ N'), __file__, 'exec')) "install - record c: \ users \ faria \ Apdata \ local \ temp \ pip-zumdku-record \ install-record.txt --single-version-external-managed --compile error code 1 in c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_Faria \ blist exceptionInfo: Traceback (most recent call final) failed: File "C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ t Wiss \ lib \ site-packages \ pip-1.5.4-py2.7.egg \ pip \ basecommand Py ", line 122, main position = (option, args) file" C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ lib \ site-packages \ pip-1.5.4-py2.7.egg \ pip \ Command \ ", line 283, run_up_set.install (install_options, global_options, root = options.root_path) file" C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ lib \ site-packages \ pip-1.5.4 -py2.7.egg \ pip \ ", line 1435, install install.install (install_options, global_options, * args, ** kwargs) file" C: \ user \ firia \ desktop \ twiss \ lib \ site -p Ackages \ pip-1.5.4-py2.7.egg \ pip \ ", line 706, install cwd = self.source_dir, filter_stdout = self._filter_install, show_stdout = False)" C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ lib \ site-packages \ pip-1.5.4-py2.7.egg \ pip \ ", line 697, call_subprocess% (in command_desc, proc.returncode, cwd)) InstallationError: Command C : \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ Scripts \ python.exe -c "import setuptools, tokenize; __ file__ = 'C: \\ Users \\Frija \\ AppData \\ local \\ temporary \\ pip_build_Fari a \\ blist \\'; Exec (getttr (tokenize, 'open', open) (__ file __). ('\ R \ n', '\ n'), __file__, 'Exec')) "install - record c: \ users \ Faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip-zumdku-record \ install-record.txt --single-version-external-managed -compile failed with error code 1: c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ Pip_build_faria \ blist 

You have stumbled when trying to use Python while Windows users have a common problem Has to face:

Since Windows is not a compiled environment by default, and such a It is easy to set up the environment not as the Linux, the package that contains the original code can not be compiled.

Its solution is to degrade your architecture and drone package Trying to find pre-compiled binaries: For your requirement (Flast), Christophe Gohalke, in the laboratory for fluorescence dynamics, University of California, Irwin Already created a pre-compiled binary:

Then just download the correct package and run, for example easy_install blistâ ???? 1.3.6.win32 Py2.7.exe (if you got 32-bit, Python version 2.7).

Of course, you can also try to establish your own development environment, for example, here are the instructions given below: - I did it in V. S. Express has done it and it worked fine, though it needs to download and install a big package different things on my windows box


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