database - How to resolve php eden error -

I have just used a simple query to insert a record

  $ q = "INSERT IN jobform (` full_name`, `father_name`,` date_of_birth`, `gender`,` cnic`, `city`,` country`, `region`,` contact_number`, `email_address`,` degree_title`, ` University`, `gpa`,` division ',' banking experience ',' current_sasthan`, 'job-title', 'non-banking_experience', 'non-denomination_structure', 'non-job-title' Full_name ,: father_name ,: date_of_birth ,: gender ,: cnic, city, country :: region ,: contact_number ,: email_ederation ,: title_title, v $ Bind = array (": full_name" = & gt; $ full_name); $ bind = array, "$ Father," => $ father_name, ": date_of_birth" = & gt; $ date_of_birth, ": gender" = & gt; $ gender, ": cnic" => $ cnic, ":" city "= & Gt; $ city, ": country" => $ country, ": area" = & gt; $ area, ": contact_number" = & gt; $ Contact_number, ": EMAIL_ADDRESS" = & gt; $ EMAIL_ADDRESS, ": degree_title" = & gt; $ Degree_title, ": University:" => $ University, ": GPA" => $ GPA, ": Partition" = & gt; $ Division, ": banking_experience" = $ non_banking_experience, ": non_current_organization" => $ Non_current_organization "," non_job_title "=" gtc: "non_banking_experience" and "gtc: $"; & Gt; $ Banking Experience, ": Current_Installer" = & gt; $ current_organization, ": Job_title" = & gt; $ Job_title, & Gt; $ non_job_title); $ R = $ Database-> Query ($ q, $ bind);   

and getting this error, there is also a documentation for inserting rows

  Fatal error: 'Eden_Sql_Error' Enter in the jobform (`full_name`,` father_name`, `date_of_birth`,` gender`, `cnic`,` city`, `country`,` region`, `contact_number`,` email_address`, `degree_title`,` University `,` gpa` (`najam ',' zain ', '01 -01-2000', 'male', 'nan', 'non-job', 'non-banking' '923092032094209', 'Karachi' 'Pakistan', 'Sindh', '029320329', '', 'Bachelor', 'Digital Science College', '16', 'First of all', '3' / Div> 

= "text">

You should use $ database-> insertRow instead.

Try it out.

  $ data = array ('Full_name' = & gt; $ full_name, 'date_of_birth' = & gt; $ date_of_birth, 'gen der = & gt; $ gender, Sanyok '= & gt; $ cnic,' city '= & gt; $ city,' country '= & gt; $ country,' field '= & gt; $ Area, 'contact_number' = & gt; $ Contact_number, 'email_address' = & gt; $ Email_address, 'degree_title' = & gt; $ Degree_title, 'university' = & gt; $ University, 'gpa' = & gt; $ Gpa, 'partition' = & gt; $ Partition, 'banking experience' = & gt; $ Banking experience, 'current_structure' = & gt; $ Current_structure, 'job _ title' = & gt; $ Job title, 'non-banking experience' = & gt; $ Non_banking_experience, 'non_current_organization' = & gt; $ Non_current_organization, 'non_job_title' = & gt; $ Non_job_title); $ Result = $ database-> InsertRow ('job', $ data);   

Please see


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