mvc - Model Binding not working in MVC 4 -

I have a form that I am posting in the following controller verb. But the currency value is meaningless. Why is not the model being binding? I used the same method in other forms and it used to work fine. I do not know why this is not working. ("edit")] [http post] edit public proceedingsCurrentTab (CURRENCY currency) // currency = null; {Dal Lib = new DAL (); Int state = lib.UpdateCurrency (currency); If (State == 1) {Return Redirect Action ("Details", new {id = Currency. ID}); } And {look back ("error"); }} See

// what I am posting:

  @Model Library. CURRENCY @ {ViewBag.Title = "EditCurrency_GET"; } & Lt; H2 & gt; EditingQuality_GET & lt; / H2 & gt; @using (Html.BeginForm ()) {@ Html.AntiForgeryToken () @ HTML.ValidationSummary (true) & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Story & gt; VFS_CURRENCY & lt; / Narrative & gt; @ Html.HiddenFor (model => model.ID) & lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; @HTML LabelFor (model = & gt; model.cURRENCY) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (model => Model. CURRENCY) @ Html.ValidationMessageFor (model => Model. CURRENCY) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (model = & gt; model.cURRENCY_SYMBOL) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (model => model.cURRENCY_SYMBOL) @ Html.ValidationMessageFor (model => model.cURRENCY_SYMBOL) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (model = & gt; model.cURRENCY_CODE) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (model => model.cURRENCY_CODE) @html. Validation message (model = & gt; model. CURRENCY_CODE) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; @html.labelfor (model => model ISAVTIVE) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (model => model.ISAVTIVE) @ html.ValidationMessageFor (model => model ISAVTIVE) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; @HTML LabelFor (model = & gt; model. DCCRPTN) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (model => model.DESCRIPTION) @html. Validity message (model = & gt; model.DESCRIPTION) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "save" /> & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Fieldset & gt; }   

// My model

  the currency of the public partial square (public currency) {this.Country = new HashSet & lt; COUNTRY & gt; (); } Receive the public int id { Set; } Public string CURRENCY {get; Set; } Public string CURRENCY_SYMBOL {get; Set; } Public int CURRENCY_CODE {get; Set; } Public Bull ISAVTIVE {get; Set; } Public string DESCRIPTION {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; COUNTRY & gt; Country Set; }}    

In your controller the name of the model other than currency and name Try to give, that means amend the public proceeding: CURRENCYCurrency_POST (CURRENCY myCurrencyModel)

  edit public functioning Currency_DesignCurrency_POST (CURRENCY currency)   


  / code>  

Then one obviously turns the rest into the controller.

I think giving the name of the incoming variable is similar to your class and the underlying members of this class may have problems.


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