ios - UITableViewController horizontal swipe pagination? -
I am trying to implement horizontal endorsement in my UITableViewController. A new set of items with each swipe will be displayed in the UiTable view.
So far, I have tried to do it with a set of UTIBL Vuii Controllers, UISCrolvee and UIPAs Control. It works, but it has two issues.
- Not initially able to load all UITableViewControllers in memory.
- When the UITableView is still the answer to swipe vertically swipe so that it gives an unpleasant impression.
An app that I want to do can be seen here
I have a horizontal paged UITableView?
I recently behaved a lot using a
UIPageViewController And
UITableViewController 's
for the content to give an example:
You need the
UIPageViewController which is < Code> UIPageViewControllerDataSource implements the issue. The data source asks for resources:
- (UIViewController *) pageViewController: (UIPageViewController *) pageViewController viewControllerBeforeViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController;
- (UIViewController *) pageViewController: (UIPageViewController *) pageViewController viewControllerAfterViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController;
Where you just need to return the
UITableViewController examples that present your content. Swiping etc. One of the default behavior is
For a more detailed example, take a look at this that helped me a lot.
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