visual c++ - LoadTypeLibEx is failing while running an application in session 0 (service session) -

Text after "

In my application, I'm loading a type library like this

  ITypeLib * Typelib = zero; Tlbpath = "some path" hr = LoadTypeLibEx (tlbpath, REGKIND_REGISTER, and typelib); HR = Register Type Libuffer User (Typelib, TLbpt, Faucet);   

When I run as Administrator / User, I am able to load TLB and all entries are loaded in the Registry.

When I run the same application through the service in the session 0, I am typing as TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY .

In addition to this, UnRegisterTypeLibForUser is created with all entries that will remove, while LoadTypeLibEx

In my case, UnRegisterTypeLibForUser is executed but entries are not being deleted in the registry

I use the code given below Done

  UnRegisterTypeLibForUser (tlibatr-> GUID, tlibatr-> wMajorVerNum, tlibatr-> WMinorVerNum, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, SYS_WIN32);   

Can tell for some reason why the LoadTypeLibEx failed to register the running application in session 0 and how to fix it?

I found a solution to my problem.

I gave the TLB to the virtual drive path and did not provide the system path. Ie X: .... \ vlt.tlb and not E: .. \ XRoot ... \ vlt.tlb

Then in session 0, we must give system path.

Thanks Hans Paccent.

Can someone tell why the UnRegisterTypelibForUser is not removing entries in the registry?


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