html - Bootstrap is not styling anything -

I am using bootstrap but it is not styling anything for some reason.

I have tried to paste the bootstrap code for forms and navigations in my home view and it just looks normal without bootstrap style.

I have

@import "bootstrap"; In my stylesheet

And the appropriate gems in my jemphilos are I forgetting some part of the setup? Or why it will not work, I have used it in the last few days only a few days ago, but it is not sure why it is not styling anything around this time.

This is my Gmail:

  source 'http: //' gem 'bootstrap-sass',' ~ & gt; 3.1.1 'Mani' simple_form # Rail instead of the edges of the bundle: Mani 'Rail', Gitub: 'Rail / Rail' gem 'Rail', '4.0.3' # Active record gem as database for 'sqlite3' Use SQLite3 to use SCSS for # stylesheet Mani 'Asus-Rail', '~ & gt; 4.0.0 '# Use Eugplifier as Compressor for Javascript Properties Mani' EugelForm ',' & gt; Use coffee scripts for '1.3.0' # properties and scenes' coffee-rail ',' ~ & gt; 4.0.0 '# for more supported runtime, see # gem' thrubius', platform: ruby ​​# jquery as javascript library gem 'jquery-rails' # Follow the turboilance link in your web application faster and read: gem 'turbolinks' # Easily create JSON API and read: Mani 'jbuilder', '~ & gt; 1.2 'Group: Doctor # Bundle Execution Rack Doctor: Generates an API under Rail API / API. Mani 'sdoc', Required: False End # Use Active Model_saker_password # Mani 'bcrypt-ruby', '~ & gt; 3.1.2 Use #Ap Server # Manic Unicorn as Unicorn # Use Capistrano for Deployment # Mani 'Capistrano', Group :: Development    < P> 

Be sure that you install bundle or bundle (default to install) And add the version to important gems.

Try it also

  rack temporary: clear    


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