Unable to access member of anonymous structure inside union -
I am using a union and using an anonymous structure inside it. I want to know how I can use a member of the structure inside it. Like if I want to access the G variable of the structure using the union variable, how can I do this? Please help :)
typingf union {uint8_t All; Struct {uint8_t G: 1; Uint8_t O_B: 1; Uint8_t unused: 1; Uint8_t W1: 1; Uint8_t W2: 1; Uint8_t Y1: 1; Uint8_t Y2: 1; Uint8_t IAQ: 1; }; } _UNION_VARIABLE; I get the compilation error to access the Composition member like below:
_UNION_VARIABLE sg_RefreshVar; Sg_RefreshVar.G = Wrong; Error: # 137 Associations "& lt; Unknown & gt;" You need to give it a name
Typefeed Association {Uint8_t All; Struct {uint8_t G: 1; Uint8_t O_B: 1; Uint8_t unused: 1; Uint8_t W1: 1; Uint8_t W2: 1; Uint8_t Y1: 1; Uint8_t Y2: 1; Uint8_t IAQ: 1; } Bit_field; } _UNION_VARIABLE; And then you can go
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