BPEL OutOfMemoryError in JBOSS SOA P -

I have deployed BPL process in JBOSS AS in SOA platform and it works fine.

However, when I tried to test the load test using the SOAP UI.

It stops with the OutOfMemoryError shown below.

  16: 48: 58,226 ERROR [Jeoandpoint] socket processor error in allocating Java .lang.OutOfMemoryError: java.lang.Thread.start on org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint $ Worker.start (JIoEndpoint.java:475) org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint, unable to create new native threads in java.lang.Thread.start0 (Native resident method) on (Thread.java:640). newWorkerThread (JIoEndpoint.java:695) on org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint.createWorkerThread (JIoEndpoint.java: org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint.getWorkerThread on org.apache (JIoEndpoint.java: 706) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint.processSocket (JIoEndpoint.java:741) 674). tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint $ Acceptor.run (JIoEndpoint.java317) at java.lang.Thread.run (Thredkjawa: 662) 16:48: 58 229 info [STDOUT] document in the file has been received: / D: / SOA_ROOT / jboss-SOA- P -5 / jboss- in / server / default / tmp / 4p724v3y-jabfid-huaty07z-1-huatymjb- cc / function.jar /FunctionProcessArtifacts.wsdl 'form. Error in allocating 16: 48: 58,239 [JA EndPoint] socket processor java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new original thread   

Its a simple process flow which calculates (( A + b) * (ab)) ^ 2. Add, subtract, multiply and square independent services that are implemented in remote servers using the web service.

My process diagram Enter image details here

Server configuration key What is the problem?

How to fix it?

In short, you face 'java' lang.OutOfMemoryError ': creating new original threads hopeless at ???? Whenever the JVM OS is asking a new thread from the OS, the built-in OS can not allocate a new country thread, then this outoffemmy error will be thrown. The exact range for the original sources depends on the platform.

More often than not, limitations on OutOfMemoryError indicate new original threads indicate programming error. When your application is generating thousands of threads then it is likely that something has gone wrong ???? There are not many applications that would benefit from such a huge amount of threads.


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