java - Vert.x 2 & IntelliJ automatic redeploy issues -
We have some problems setting up Vert.x with IntelliJ to automatically reload sections during development. Have been there. We have used the "best practice" approach, as described in their documents (using Maven), but can not get automatic redistribution to work.
Steps to reproduce:
mvn archetype: generating -Dfilter = io.vertx:
- Create your project using Exelute
mvn idea: idea to create intelliJ project .
- Open
.ipr file in IntelliJ
- Change the project settings to
Preferences - & gt; Be sure to set up on Compiler - & gt; Automatically create project
- Make sure
"auto-redeploy": set right in in the resource folder in
- Create the first project:
CMD + Fn + F9 (
CMD + F9 if you use the media key as function keys
- Run the
vertx: runMod from the Maven panel (or from the command line)
The application starts at this point (and when
target / mods folder make this module Sector appears to). However, saving in the
PingVerticle class and saving the result as a result of nothing completely. In addition, none of the resources has been copied, so when a plain web server is started , It always results in "no resource found". There are all the directories with resources in
vertx_classpath.txt .
What I have found is that when you add external dependence to your palm, they are not copied in the module, resulting in a class exception.
Did we forget something in the setup process? Thank you.
It seems that this was an integration of unfortunate events First we had to use a specific version of Maven (3.0.5) with a specific version of Java (1.7u45). I absolutely do not remember that, it is possible that there is something to do with the production system on which we were working. However, after updating everything (Maven 3.2.1 and Java 1.8.0) and deleting old paths, everything works with purpose. In fact, it has been found that the issue was that there was a place in the way of the project. Everything was resolved by removing it
- Create your project using Exelute
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