Android: Can we read file from /data/data/ folder using su command in non rooted device -
Hi all I'm confused about "su" command, it's working in a non-rooted device. As I want to read a file from the / data / data folder on the stackover I can do different solutions to read the file from this folder using "su", but it is not working on my non rooting device.
Please some body advises me.
string comando = "cp -r / data / data" /local/data.txt / sdcard / 123 / "; Process process = runtime.gettime () .exec (" su "); DataOutputStream OS = new dataoptputstream (process.jetoutputstream ()); oslitimes (comando +" \ n "); os.flush ( ); Os.writeBytes ("Exit \ N)"; os.flush ();
Su Binaries are only available in the contained phones.
What happens after the phone is retired? system / read-write application Su binaries are mounted with copies, copies are copied to Copy / System / Bin or / System / Xbine folder. The Root Manager app is installed. [As SuperSu or SuperUsers] This is because apps do not misuse root permissions What can you do now? I do not think the files without root permissions Is there a way to copy the target / data folder or reading.
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