java - hadoop in windows with cygwin noclassdefinition found error -

I am trying to install Haup in my windows 7 environment and run with Sigwin. I've been Saigvin download and install and I have configured SSH, I have set the Java class path inside Saigvin Kbasrak and set all Haup configuration files. My .bashrc file listed

  export JAVA_HOME = "C: \ \ Program Files \\ Java \\ jdk1.6.0_24" export HADOOP_HOME = / home / user / Thaup export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME = / home HADOOP_COMMON_HOME / HADOOP_COMMON_HOME = / HOME / USER / HADOP EXPORT HADOOP_HDFS_HOME = / HOME / USER / THOVE EXPORT YARN_HOME = / HOME / USER / HADOP EXPORT HADOOP_CONF_DIR = / home / user / hasoop / etc / hasoop   

but I could not find the error when I run the Falling command error on the Sigwin terminal:

  $ ./hadoop version java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / hasoop / util / versionInfo by reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo on java. on net.URLClassLoader.findClass ( $ (URLClassLoader.java202) SsLoader.loadClass ( ) At sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader.loadClass ( java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( would be 48) Main category could not be found: Organization .apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo. The program will exit thread exception "core"   

Why do I get a noclass definition found error, Is there anything else to do with the configuration of Windows 7 64-bit and Halop version 2.2.0

Some Tips:

  1. Install JDK in a folder, the path should be without any white space.
  2. Set the path:

      $ export JAVA_HOME = / cygdrive /c/Program_Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_71    
  3. Ensure that the export was successful by execution:

      $ Env | Grep-i JAVA_HOME   

    It should print:

      JAVA_HOME = / cygdrive / c / Program_Files / Java / jdk1.7.0_71  < / Pre>  
  4. If you want to see the version, just execute:

      sh -x bin / hdfs version    sh -x :  
      sh -x bin / hdfs namedev      


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