css - Bootstrap "Mobile first" behavior -

Some time ago I certainly do not get "Mobile first default behavior" in Bootstrap 3: < Pre-> / * Extra Small Devices (Phone, less than 768px) * / / * Since this is default in Bootstrap / / * Small device (Tablet, 768px and above) * / @ Media (Minimum-Method: @ Screen- SM-Min) {...} / * Medium Device (Desktop, 992px and above) * / @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-MD-min) {...} / * Big div This can be the default behavior of the extra small device (large desktop, 1200 px and above) * / @ media (minimum-width: @ screen-LG-min) {...}

If there is no break point at 480px? I think the font-size and default for the content, but if for grid systems, want a 6/12 size block between 480px and 768px (col-xs-6), then be 12/12 in less than 480px Can not you just do this after? I need you to explain the concept, because I do not know how this can be a mobile first behavior.

PS: I know that community offers stylesheets to get 480 px breakpoints, and I can do it myself, but actually considering bootstrap is a great lib It seems strange for the kind of trouble, maybe I do not get any issue here

general assumption It is that the content is smaller than 768px on each device / browser window If you need to distinguish that breakpoints, then you have a few options:

  1. Include your own CSS in addition to the default of the bootstrap. / Li>
  2. Be careful not to run into problems with the code's order or specificity, which can lead to the wrong style.
  3. The bootstrap is customizable, except for the other things that you Necessary
  4. If you are always feeling 'helpless' or brave (depending on your experiment-case), always casually, you can also use it because it In Landscape mode, 4 break breakpoints (which gives you 5 different shapes) for better target devices. Here's the CSS released from bootstrap's V4-docs, it can not be confused that they change from px to em as their primary unit. Measurement:
      // Extra small device (Portrait phone, less than 34em) // default from bootstrap / small device (Landscape phone, 34m and above) This is not a media query @ Media (minimum-width: 34 AM) {...} / medium tool (tablets, 48m and above) @ media (minimum-width: 48m) {...} // large device (desktop, 62m and above) Above) @ Media (minimum-width: 62m) {...} // Extra large device (large desktop, 75 and up) @ Media (min- Udhai: 75 m) {...}    


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