css - Bootstrap "Mobile first" behavior -
Some time ago I certainly do not get "Mobile first default behavior" in Bootstrap 3: < Pre-> If there is no break point at 480px? I think the font-size and default for the content, but if for grid systems, want a 6/12 size block between 480px and 768px (col-xs-6), then be 12/12 in less than 480px Can not you just do this after? I need you to explain the concept, because I do not know how this can be a mobile first behavior. PS: I know that community offers stylesheets to get 480 px breakpoints, and I can do it myself, but actually considering bootstrap is a great lib It seems strange for the kind of trouble, maybe I do not get any issue here general assumption It is that the content is smaller than 768px on each device / browser window If you need to distinguish that breakpoints, then you have a few options: / * Extra Small Devices (Phone, less than 768px) * / / * Since this is default in Bootstrap / / * Small device (Tablet, 768px and above) * / @ Media (Minimum-Method: @ Screen- SM-Min) {...} / * Medium Device (Desktop, 992px and above) * / @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-MD-min) {...} / * Big div This can be the default behavior of the extra small device (large desktop, 1200 px and above) * / @ media (minimum-width: @ screen-LG-min) {...}
px to
em as their primary unit. Measurement:
// Extra small device (Portrait phone, less than 34em) // default from bootstrap / small device (Landscape phone, 34m and above) This is not a media query @ Media (minimum-width: 34 AM) {...} / medium tool (tablets, 48m and above) @ media (minimum-width: 48m) {...} // large device (desktop, 62m and above) Above) @ Media (minimum-width: 62m) {...} // Extra large device (large desktop, 75 and up) @ Media (min- Udhai: 75 m) {...}
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