Multiple notification wrong content on click android -

I get many notifications successfully using notification notifications. But when I click on any notification, every The last notification received once. Can anyone tell me how to open a similar notification? I mean every notification has its own content. Public blank override at @Receive (reference reference, intent to intent) {// TODO auto generated method stub / * * Clearly specify that GcmIntentService will handle the intent. Component component comp = new component name (context.getPackageName (), GCMIntentService.class.getName ()); Start the service, start it while keeping the device awake. startWakefulService (context, (intent.setComponent (COMP)); SetResultCode (Activity.RESULT_OK); * * / GCM Notification Utility NotiMsg = intent.getStringExtra ("msg"); GCM Notification Utility.NotPodad = ChopGeson (Int. Gate String Extra ("Date Published")); GCM Notification Optimization.NotDescription = ChopGeson (Int. Gate String Extra ("Description")); GCM Notification Utility.Notlink = ChopGeson (Int. Gate String Extra ("News_URL")); GCM Notification Utility. Note Character = ChopGeson (Int. Gate String Extra ("Category")); Int icon = R.drawable.ic_launcher; // Characters from the Characters Charseequence tickerText = context.getResources (). GetString (R.string.app_name); // intent.getStringExtra ("me"); // Ticker-text long when = System.currentTimeMillis (); // Notification time Extremities xmsg = GCM Notification Utility NotiMsg; Information Manager Information Manager = (Notification Manager) context.getSystemService (Reference. NETIFICATION_SERVICE); Notification Notification = New Notification (icon, ticker text, when); System.out.println ("Nodescript" + GCM decryption); ActusNewActivity.description = GCMNotificationUtility.notDescription; ActusNewActivity.pudDate = GCMNotificationUtility.notPubDate; ActusNewActivity.Link = GCMNotificationUtility.notLink; ActusNewActivity.title = GCMNotificationUtility.notiMsg; Influence Notification = new intent (reference, ActusNewActivity.class); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance (); Int unique_id = (int) c.getTimeInMillis (); // set calendars.getTimeInMillis () pending as pending IDs Pending Vertical = Pending.enteactivity (context, unique_id, notification, pending, .flag_OSHT); Notification.Setlat EventInfo (References, Ticker Text, GMSG, Pending); Notification.flags | = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; Information .defaults | = Notice DEFAULT_SOUND | Notification DEFAULT_LIGHTS; Notification.webet = new tall [] (100 L, 100 L, 200 L, 500 L); Information Manager Information (unique_id, notification); GCMNotificationUtility.notificationReceived = true PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService (context.POWER_SERVICE); WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock (PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP, "TAG"); Wl.acquire (); } Public string cropjason (string y) {string x = ": \" "int xval = y.indexOf (x) +2; string substrings = y.substring (0, xval); string newElement = y.replace (substring , ""); Int lastvalue = newElement.length () - 2; string value = newElement.substring (0, last value); return value;}

Instead of:

Information Manager. Information (Unique_ID, Notification);

Usage <

This helps.

  Notification Manager. Notify (int) when,


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