javascript - d3 - required help in brush extent() -
Here it is.
When I use a brush, the area of color defines the X axis.
For a line in the graph, I got a suggestion to add the But when I areas Is correctly cut, but by observing the elements in the browser developer tool, only one is displayed ..., apparently overlaying the other in one area. Help me out where I am making a mistake? Thank you in advance. Here's a fiddle which I think is what you want: The problem was that you can define only one The solution I made was based on this information: For 'down' I used the intersection of the rectangular (# clip) and 'bottom' clip path, Such as: One element of the path element (clipbelowshape): Use the newly created clip path Do the same thing with the above path clip-path: url (# clip) to line CSS. It works. After applying this, when using the line brush, x starts with 0
.area.above and
.area.below the same code, it does not work
clip-path for an element, then adding the rectangular clippadding:
... add ("clippath"). Attr ("id", "clip") .append ("rect") .attr ("width", width) .attr ("height", height); With
clip-down and
clip-up (overwritten in the
& lt; path class = "area) Respectively "... & gt; and
& lt; Path square = "area above" ... ... gt; .
focus .append ("clippath") .attr ("id" , "Clip-below") .append ("path") .attr ("Id", "clipbelowshape") .attr ("d", area.y0 (height));
Create an interaction with the clip / Code> clippath with
clipbelowshape :
Var clipbell oveners = focus .append ("clippath") .attr ("id", "clipbelowintersect") .attr ("clip-path", "url (#clip)"); Clipbelowintersect.append ("use") .attr ("xlink: href", "#clipbelowshape"); end ("path") .attr ("class" , "Field below") .attr ("clip-path", "url (#clipbelowintersect)") .attr ("d", field);
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