ruby on rails - Need two addition fields to be added in devise form used and saved in different table(invite table) -
I have a sign up form for using Davis in ROR. It requires adding nested form. But I am not able to add it ... anyone can help me to solve it. The form below preserves the user, but I want to add two fields to save it in the invited table. Will ...
% H2 sign up = for form_ (s) Means ,: as = & source; Snsadn_nam ,: url = & gt; Panjikrn_path (resource_name)) f | F | = Devise_error_messages! .form-group% div = f.label: first_name ,: class = & gt; "Control-label"% br / = f.text_field: first_name ,: autofocus = & gt; True ,: class = & gt; "Form-control-narrow controls". Form-group% div = f.label: last_name ,: class = & gt; "Control-label"% br / = f.text_field: last_name ,: class = & gt; "Form-Control Narrow Control" .form-groups% div = f.label: email ,: class = & gt; "Control-label"% br / = f.email_field: email ,: class = & gt; "Form-Control Narrow Control"% br / .form-group% div = f.submit "sign up" ,: class = & gt; "BTN BTN-Default" I need two fields (name, invitation) below to be added to the form above and invite them to the table ...
.form-group% div = f.label: name, "your name (required)" ,: class => "Control-label"% br / = f.text_field: name ,: class = & gt; "Form-Control Narrow Control" .form-groups% div = f.label: Invite, "Your Invitation (Required)" ,: class = & gt; "Control-label"% br / = f.text_field: Invite,: class = & gt; Can anyone help in deciding it?
Sign_up) do | u | U.Permit (: first_name ,: last_name ,: email, nested_attributes: [: name,: invite]) end
nest E you must specify here the name of the model instead.
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