python - Is it Possible to open a popup with some kind of transition as we have transition in Screen -

popup during we changed open during the opening of the screen, we can transition = FallOutTransition () are . Is it possible to do this in case of popups? If not: I was thinking of creating a custom popup where I can use the screen class and can transse it but I can not understand it. Anyone have any ideas? View the sample code below: import import app from kivy.uix.screenmanager import screen from ScreenManager, screen, kivy.clock from FallOutTransition Import kivy.core.window from window by clock kivy import. Import Popup UIP popup from Kivy.uix.label import Label Class COPOP (screen, popup): def __init __ (self, ** kwargs): super (CPOpup, itself) .__ init__ (** kwargs) self. transition = FallOutTransition () # Self.title = "I popup ... LOL" class A (screen): def __init __ (self, ** kwargs): Super (A, self) .__ init __ (** kwargs) self.transition = FallOutTransition () self.add_widget (label (text = "I label on the main widget!")) popup = popup (title = "Hello I am a simple pop-up" content = label (text = "I popup content Am "), Size_hint = (None, None), size = (Vindokhait, Vindokvind / 4)) () popup.bind (on_open = self.on_open) def on_open (manually, for example): print "Hi popup Open "Clock schedule_once (instance.dismiss, 2) #Apple class class MyJBApp (app): DIF creation (self): sm = ScreenManager (transition = FallOut transition ()) sm.add_widget (A (name = 'A') ) Return SID if __name__ == '__main__': MyJBApp (). Run ()

During the opening Skrinmanejr infection = FallOutTransition () <, screen But not on If not: I was thinking of creating a custom popup where I can use the screen class and give it transmissions but I can not understand it.

This will not work until you use any screen manager, in any way.

You mentioned FallOutTransition really use a SHA ader effect, which is difficult to duplicate outside Skrinmanejr if you do not know who you are (not hard, but really not much documentation Are).

However, you can get almost the same effect using normal Kiwi animation. You really want to, and start popping up a little bit of popup with an ambiguity of 0, then what you really want your shape and its opacity to 1.


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