Mysql current date trigger -
I have the following triggers
create triggers `` qc_date_trigger` after updating ` Reserve for each line on the brand 'if new. Brands QC = '1' then set @ brandxDATE = kurt (); ELSE SET @brandQCDate = NULL; end if; END For some reason this does not update my date field in the current date when QC = 1. I have checked the mysql doctor and it should work. Any ideology?
If your column is named brandQCDate, remove @ Please give it. @ creates a user-defined variable, not a column, besides this you want to do this before a UPDATE trigger. Update the 'brand' for each line before updating to the create trigger 'brand` if the new one is new. Brands QC = 1 'then set NEW.brandQCDate = CURDATE (); ELSE SET NEW.brandQCDate = NULL; end if; END
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