android - Custom Cast Button and Behavior Implementation -
Does anyone know if it is possible to use custom In my application, I am using ActionBarSherlock with a split In other words how can I hook up the functionality of MediaRouteActionProvider without using Any help or consideration would be appreciated! Update This can be easily done by adding MediaRouteButton to the XML and by adding the selector on the button. Then my implementation is like this: Create a mediaRouteButton via xml: Then create a MediaRouteSelector when you want to use it Note: CHROME_CAST, when you register your application on the Developer Console The ID generated by and attach the selector to your button using the setroutselector () method Then just do it: Note that it wants to create your own class to work with ActionBarSherlock In my application I use ActionBarSherlock with a different actionbar So, I can not use MediaRouteActionProvider (at least for my knowledge) in the built-in Google Cast SDK. You can do the same thing that works with ActionBarSherlock, at least in principle. I do not know the reason why this will not work - if it works with native action bar and ImageButton cast icons, and add MediaRouteActionProvider to repeat the behavior on a
ActionProvider this
ImageButton ?
actionbars , so I use MediaRouteActionProvider (at least according to my knowledge) Can not use Media Rotor V7 support in the library because it will push many of my items in the hyperbolic menu.
MenuItem without using
ImageButton < / P>
& lt; android: id = "@ + id / media_route_button" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" />
MediaReferenceControl m_mediaRouteSelector = New MediaRouteSelector.Builder () .addControlCategory (MediaControlIntent.CATEGARY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK) .addControlCategory (CastMediaControlIntent.categoryForCast (CHROME_CAST)) .build (); MediaRoot Button M_Media RobotButton = (MediaRoot Button) Find VibibIID (RDDMDI_out_button);
m_mediaroute batton. Certifier Selector (m_mediaRouteSelector); Important for people with ActionBarSherlock *
MediaRouteButton Broad and especially do the following
@ Override public boolean showDialog () {/ ** Make all logic to find routes and show an AlertDialog where you call * To show the list of available routes on SetView (see V) * To use the built buttons you need to use a base class which is * FragmentActivity * / return true; }
MediaRouteActionProvider in the
appcompat_v7 library project, not Cast SDK.
EpicPantVision backport, then it should work for ActionBarSherlock.
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