php - how to find lowest unique bidder and display username of that lowest unique bidder -
My data base is here im new in php and I do not know how the lowest specific bidder for auction is a product And I also want to display the name of that minimum unique bidder's username. Please help me but I have followed some code
$ con = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", ""); If (! $ Con) {dead ('Could not connect:' Mysql_error ()); } Mysql_select_db ("gunjanbid", $ conn); $ Sql = "Select" from the bid; $ Result = mysql_query ($ SQL); $ User name = $ result ['username']; $ Serial = $ result ['serial']; $ Low_sql = "Bidmount, Username, Quote from bid (bidmount) as bid bid, where price of bid & lt; '{$ serial}' and 'bidding_code = 1' and auction = '{$ user name}' group by bmount" ; $ Lower_query = mysql_query ($ lower_sql); $ Low_bids = Array (); If (mysql_num_rows ($ lower_query)> 0) {$ lower_bid_exist = true; While ($ row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ lower_query)) {$ lower_bids [$ row ['bidmount']] = $ line ['bid_count']; }} And {$ lower_bid_exist = false; }? & Gt; Minimum Universal Bidder: & lt ;? Php echo $ row ['userName']; ? & Gt;
Try this:
select almonds, To bid as a bid in the form of a username, a bid, bid = bidemount = (SELECT MIN (bidamount) bid) ORDER BY end_data1
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