c# - Func as input parameter -
I have the following method in C # with some parameters:
public static void DeleteSingleItemInDataGrid (DataGrid DataGrid, String IDcolumnName, Func & lt; int & gt; afterCompletionMethod_ToRun) I type the third parameter type to Func & lt; Zero & gt; But I can not do how can I do it? In other words My question is how can a method (or function with zero result ) pass as a method parameter? A representative refers to a method that returns "return" zero to The name of the representative is also in the Action .net language, and so on: -
Then your method will sign it: < / P>
And not back int , it will be: public Nick Static Zero DeleteSingleItemInDataGrid (DataGrid DataGrid, String IDcolumnName, Action & lt; int & gt; End End Method Method) / Code> This is a method adopted by taking a int parameter Does not return anything (aka "back" zero ). It also means that you can not create a general method which accepts methods that return some methods and some accept the methods to return only with one method, But the need to create surcharge by using action , and Func & lt; T & gt; .
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