javascript - AngularJs - Holding value of for loop string to use elsewhere -

I am stuck in my angular railway project.

I will run the loop for the query, some nested JSON data and one NG-repeat output in 3 different variables. So it creates a title where I have control over the elements that make up the title {{number}} {{shots}} {{goals}}.

However, my knowledge about angular has spread here because when I click on an event (from the ng-repeat list), I give a new tab, but I will change the title of that event to new I want to move to the tab.

I can not call it as a squash variable because the final variable is still being held there. I thought about specifying this as a new variable. But uncertainty is actually how to do it as angular.

Here's the code I'm working with:


My angle is only a standard for loops that looks at values ​​within JS and specifies them as variables.

Any advice is highly appreciated.

Edit: 24 hours later and I still can not crack it (very disappointing). I'm not sure what is the way to capture and clone the string with ng click? When I already know the information I do not want to run another test for the title, is definitely an 'angular way' to do this ??

Please try to make sure I'm not sure, but it can help you

  & Lt; Li ng-repeat = Events in ""; & Lt; Div ng-if = "action type (event)" & gt; {{Event.number}} {{event.shots}} {{event.goals}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; A class = "showplayer" ng-click = "show player (event.number, event.foto, event.GOLL)" & gt; View more statistics & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt;    


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