c++ - Renaming File With Unicode -
How do I insert Unicode characters in the filename? I have an ostringstream that I use to define the offline name through the file, but I can not use Unicode characters. What would be the easiest way to do this? Change it to Unicode format? And please tell me how I will do this.
/ * This program tries to rename the file named < / pre> * CRT_RENAMER.OBJ to CRT_RENAMER.JBO. To be successful for this operation, a file named CRT_RENAMER. OBJes should be present and a file named CRT_RENAMER is present. JBO should not exist. * / #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {int result; Four old [] = "CRT_RENAMER.OBJ", new [] = "CRT_RENAMER.JBO"; / * Try renaming file: * / result = rename (old, newer); If (result! = 0) printf ("Could not rename '% s \ n", old); Else printf ("File '% s' has been replaced with '% s', \ n" old, new threads); }
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