HTML5 Web Audio API - Recording Sound Temporary -

I am currently making an HTML5 music editing program. I started with the recording audio, I came to know how to gain access to the microphone and so on. The code from "recorder.js" helped me a lot.

But instead of typing in a .wave file, I want to create a temporary audiobuffer, I got the float 32 array with an input buffer in the "OnDioproses" event and saved them together in a float 32 array. Now I have an array with values, we say 3 seconds of recording. Now I want to create an audio buffer to record sound (saved in that array).

(Read the [Webaudio API Specification]) But there was no possibility of creating a new audiobster An invisible float 32 array

Maybe I'm doing wrong recording or I just read I am blind in Every other question I read was adding on the Recorder.js, but for the first time I do not want to save a file and then want to reload it.

Anyone know? It would be horrible

Thanks everyone!

I am quite new to javascript but I think you have questions that I try to do I am doing and now I have got the answer. Instead of calling the recorder. ExportWAV function You can call the recorder. As the GetBuffer (getBufferCallback) function you can see below that hope this will help you. It works for me.

  function roukorking () {recorder.stop (); recorder.getBuffer (getBufferCallback); //recorder.exportWAV (function) (// source = window.URL.createObjectURL (s); //audio.src = source; //}); } GetBufferCallback function (buffers) {window.newSource = context.createBufferSource (); Window.buffers0 = buffers [0]; / * Store buffers in one variable so that you can use them in the future / window.buffers1 = buffers [1]; var newBuffer = context.createBuffer (2, window.buffers0.length, context.sampleRate); NewBuffer.getChannelData (0) .Set (window.buffers0); NewBuffer.getChannelData (1) .Set (window.buffers1); window.newSource.buffer = newBuffer; window.newSource.connect (context.destination); window.newSource.start (0); }    


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