haskell - how to parse yahoo historical csv with Attoparsec -

I'm starting hankel, how to parse an array of openings from the etchors, high array etc

  Module CsvParser (excerpt (..), csvFile, quote) Where to import System.IO import data. Etopazar.txt import data AOPPACERS.Combinator Import Datacet (Text, Unpack) Import DataTime Import System. Import local data. Maybe data quote = quote {qTime :: LocalTime, qAsk :: double, qBid :: double, qAskVolume :: double, qBidVolume :: double} deriving (Show, Eq) csvFile :: parser [citation] csvFile = do q & lt ; - many1 quote endOfInput return q quote :: parser quote quote = time of time & lt; - ask qtime qcomma for & lt; - Double quekmama bid & lt; - Double Queue FAQ & lt; - Double quekmah bid volume & lt; - Return the double endofline bid quote bid for asking $ quote time qcomma :: Parser () qcomma = do char ',' return () qtime :: parser localtime qtime = do tstring & lt; - Le -til (\ x -> x == ',') Time = Parsighted Default Timelake "% D.% m% Y% H:% M:% S% Q" (Unstocked Titration) from $ ( I.e. timeline 0001 01 00) (TimeOffaid 00 00) Time - Test String :: Text - Test string = "01.10.2012 00: 00: 00.741,1.28082,1.28077" 1500000.00,1500000.00 \ n "quoteParser = parseOnly quote main = Handle & lt; - openfile "C: \\ user \\ ivan \\ download \\ 0005.HK.csv" ReadModa content & lt; - hGetContents all the rows = lines handle the contents of the map (\ line -> Message:  
 Can not match testhaskell.hs: 89: 5: type '[] Expected type with' Io ': IO (either string coat) Actual type: [either string quote] Call of' map ' In the return type of 'Do' block in an STMT: map (\ line -> quoteParser line) in allLines expression: do {handle} <- openFile> C: \\ user \\ ivan \\ downloads \\ 0005.HK.csv "ReadMode; content & lt; - hGetContents handle; AllLines = Row content; Map (\ line - & gt; bid parser line) allLines; ....} testhaskell.hs: 89: 37: type '[four]' with type 'text' can not be matched with expected type: [text] Actual type: [string] In the second argument of `map ' , That is, 'AllLines' in a stmt of a 'do' block: map (\ line -> quoteParser line) in allLines expression: do {handle & lt; - openFile "C: \\ user \\ ivan \\ Downloads \\ 0005 HK.csv" ReadModa; Content & lt; - hGetContents handle; AllLines = Row content; Map (\ line - & gt; bid parser line) allLines; ....}    

You can use the package or you can see it

The code will be like

  imported data. There is some consideration in the form of T import text as Text.IO. Parssec C = Main Txt & lt; - T.readFile "file.csv" case parseCSV txt left left err - & gt; Error error correct csv - & gt; Map M_ (print .mk coat) csv mk coat :: [t. Test] - & gt; Quote mkQuote = Error "Not applicable yet"    


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