scala - Akka - How to handle termination -

I am using the redis-react-nb library with my Akka app. Unfortunately, when a connection to a library is lost, a connection will close itself to context stop self

This means that my application is thus Receives an end notification:

  Received DIF: Actor. Receive = {case ended (actor RF) => ...}   

So I'm wondering what to do here. Ideally I want to start all the children's artists again so that they can start with all the new redesign connections - basically resetting the actor system to its initial state.

Am I missing some concept? Or is there any way of restarting all the children without an exception to an actor? Self! Restart all or something similar?

Another way to see this is that actors are talking about you, Radis Depends on the actor, can not continue his work without it. In that case it would be better to increase it as a failure of her parents and to restart it. If you do not handle terminated messages, then a DeathPact accusation will be thrown, but you have to establish appropriate supervisor strategies in parent because the child has to end the child when you get terminated messages, then I Define RedisFailedException and define throwing.


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