ember.js - How to document an Ember App? -

Am I using YUIdoc and something else? Can anyone tell me how to properly document a scene in a model, a controller, a mixer and amber?

For example, I am trying to document this:

  App.newModel = DS.Model.extend ({someProperty: DS.attr ('string') }); App.myController = Ember.Controller.extend ({someProperty: ...}); App.myMixin = Ember.Mixin.create ({someProperty: ...});  

Edit Now I am using YUIdoc instead of jsdoc3

Because you are using JSDoc for AMR applications, JSDoc is not a parse code and not just comments. Amber uses its own class-like syntax, so JSDoC will not be able to recognize a lot of code. I use personally, which uses the Amber team (YUIDoc allows you to import other documents to resolve external references like DS.Model ). There are some comparisons, and you provide a difference chart that shows which equipment parses comments instead of source code.

In addition, I know that I am not answering your specific question. But it should help answer the question of which options exist, which can completely eliminate your JSDoc question.


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