php - Yii: where does it store sessions -
I understand how to manage user authorization using the UI's built-in mechanism, but it is not clear to me that Where is the store session? / P>
I do not see any new tables in my database, but the log-in remains, which means that continuous on a server-side to match a user ID to the user ID Is storage.
Don is going to do anything without knowing how I know this, especially when talking about security issues. Can anyone explain Yii store sessions and how to configure it.
As I know, the session is stored in Normaly files, if you have If you want to get your rescue path, then you In general, you can access the session code with If you want to store sessions, see php.ini You can set the path in the file under
session.save_path .
var_dump (session_save_path ());
Yii :: app () -> session
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