Emacs projectile with multiple repos (git/svn etc.) in one project -

I have a single git repo with a directory structure that looks like this:
  Root ---------- src | | | ------ 3   

Route is my working directory; 3rd contains multiple third-party git submodules. Finds files in Provincial-search-file only src , it does not work for submodules.

Provincial-GIT-Command code> git ls-files

So I resolved the problem with the following code:

  (setq projectile-git-command "git -ls-all-files ")   

git-ls-all-files is a shell script:

  \ # ! / bin / zsh files = `git ls-files -co --exclude-standard` sb_files = 'GIT - no-pager subpload --quote foreach' git ls-files --full-name -co --exclude-standard | Sed s! ^! $ Path /! '`All_files = $ files $ sb_files $ all_files resonate    


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