Drupal 7 custom content type theme hiding Header/footer from node.tpl -
I have a custom content type "mycustomcontenttype" and I have a list view for the content type. I also have a link in the title for each node when the popup Shodobox will open with the node description. My problem occurs when the statement comes in the popup I have the rest of the site layout with header / footer, while I only node description without header footer. My template file for node name - mycustomcontent.tpl I want to hide or disable the header and footer from this template.
The solution finally got a solution. In Page.tpl.php I down an if statement set
if ($ node- & gt; type! = 'Mycustomcontenttype') {print render ($ page [ 'header']); } Template (node - mycustomcontent.tpl) actually separates the template to render the data;
You can easily separate page.tpl.php for your content type. In the following thread, you will find several ways to create a template for your content type.
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