python - How do I get dimension data from Analytics reporting api -
I am trying to get statisitcs on top browsers used for my site using analytics reporting API v3 . I'm using the Python version of the API. I am able to query the API and I get a result. I ask using it:
res = (). Ga (). Get (Aids = 'ga:' + profile_id, start_date = '2014-01-01', end_date = t, matrix = 'ga: session', dimension = 'ja: browser'). Execute () But I do not know how to use the result data. My goal is to get the top 5 browsers, can I get this information either directly or I have to calculate it myself, how can I access data in rows and rows of results?
All this work should have been done in a way so that your numbers are ordered first So set the maximum result to 5, in this way you should only get 5 rows back.
res = (). Ga (). Get (id = 'ga:' + profile_id, start_date = '2014-01-01', and_data = t, matrix = 'Ga: sessions', dimension = 'ga: browser', sort, '- ga: sessions' , Max_results = '5') .execute () Note: This helps you check which queries and numbers you Can resume in
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